Naturopathic Dispensary
You can reorder supplements through the following websites.
Private label supplements can be refilled by calling the office or submitting a refill request through the portal. They can then be picked up in the office or shipping can be arranged.

About Our Private Label Supplement Line
Quality is our top priority
Our quality policy results in our dietary supplements meeting or exceeding industry standards for quality. Our comprehensive evaluation criteria affect quality and efficacy, specifically:
From raw material selection through encapsulating and bottling, to shipping of the finished product, our products adhere to the strictest of quality control standards. Every step of the process is thoroughly controlled to ensure that our customers receive consistently potent and effective nutritional supplements every time they order. Our Quality Assurance program ensures optimum potency and maximum freedom from environmental contaminants.
Our products use the highest quality sources for raw materials and we use select cGMP labs for production. Each product goes through extensive testing. The manufacturing facilities used are all registered with the FDA for dietary supplement manufacturing.
All processing and manufacturing is done in isolated production rooms (clean-rooms) to prevent any cross contamination of ingredients and products. We use comprehensive and exacting standard operating procedures to determine every facet of the process. Our cGMPs (current Good Manufacturing Practices) meet or exceed FDA guidelines for dietary supplements in order to ensure the safety and effectiveness of our products.
Everything listed on the label is present in the capsule, tablet or powder. What you see is exactly what you get. Unless unavoidable our formulas do not contain wheat, corn protein, yeast, soy or dairy products. We avoid the use of artificial colors, artificial sweeteners, or preservatives. In cases where a filler must be used, we use only vegetable-based cellulose, rice bran or rice flour.
Since every raw material has a unique microbial or environmental adulteration hazard, each material has a predetermined testing protocol suited to its own risk level. Every batch of raw material is tested using the recommended standards. This includes testing for heavy metals.
Our products are tested to identify raw materials. This testing assures that products meet all intended identity, strength, and composition specifications unique to each finished product.
Audits of outside laboratory partners are performed to qualify their results.
Environmental testing for microbiological hazards is an integral part of the testing program. Introduction of microbial adulterants during holding or processing is carefully monitored.
These important steps assure that our products meet the highest quality, purity and potency standards.